This has been another wild week ... and another week of wilding.
"Nobel-prize nominee" Stacey Abrams made media headlines with the bizarre claim that voter ID leads to police violence.We filed a new round of responses in our lawsuit against Abrams' group Fair Fight (Fair Fight sued us claiming voter suppression over elector challenges in Georgia, we then countersued Fair Fight on behalf of Georgia voters who endured Abrams-led harassment for asserting their right to participate in elector challenges).The Maricopa County AZ election audit started, stopped, and started again (check out our live stream of the audit). Hundreds of CEOs and celebrities doubled-down on doublethink with new election propaganda (lying that the need for election integrity is based on a lie).We continued development of new tools and training to empower voters and partner organizations - yay Team True the Vote!I spent several days talking with and preparing materials for law enforcement to further ongoing investigations based on information we've uncovered (not yet made public because it would undermine active efforts). And, as has been the case for months now, we painfully watched as others make election claims that we cannot, we will not, support, knowing that it will all play out in due course.
Yes, American election-drama has become a bizarre reality show.
Which brings me to the point of my message...it's time to unplug. Maybe you already have, and if so, I'm glad to hear it. But if you haven't, as a friend I'm telling you, unplug lest you burn out.
Don't get burned out. There is too much work to be done in the days ahead.
We face very real problems in our elections. Vote trafficking is organized and happening nationwide. Foreign countries have been given unfettered access to confidential election information and control operations in ways we can prove and will soon reveal. And the common denominator of the corruption, at the core of every grift, are voter rolls riddled with bad records. That's what we're working on now, all of it and more. Through the noise of frivolous lawsuits, hyperbolic claims, and political pettiness ... there are real, provable crimes that will be exposed. A trickle of indictments have started (in Arizona) but it takes time - and will continue to take time, longer than we would like, but necessary to get all the facts straight.
What you can do right now is help support election integrity legislation in your state. Check out info below on how to engage. In the next few months there will be new projects we'd like to work with you on. And I give you my word, we will reveal corruption the likes of which you've never seen. Right now is not the time for headlines, but that time is coming and when it does we will publish it here first.
There will be more wild weeks ahead. Keep your bearings. We're all in this together. And working together, we the people, only we the people, can true the vote.
We can.
Ever onward -
PS. You are stronger than you know. You are here for such a time. Keep the faith.