Over a Virus that has a 99.998% chance of survival (barring your being 70+ years old or co-morbidity issues)
NY & NJ & CA are locking down harder than ever.
As people tweet stupid sh*t like this=
Cases don't mean DEATHS, Marina, you virtue signalling Twit.
The # of deaths in Texas & Nationwide is PLUMMETING.
"It's a LIE!" The MSM Shriek as they cast it as being on par with EBOLA.
They are TERRIFYING people for a REASON.
Do you **SEE** it yet?
To LOCK DOWN Populations until they can consolidate POWAH!
Biden was SUPPOSED to win. WE were then to be LOCKED DOWN until our economy CRATERED & the Middle Class floundered & drowned.
It WILL happen in Europe because our Foe has CONTROL there.
"That's INSANE!" You say?
When you know WHO is driving this it all makes sense.