/Wholesale electoral fraud ……
Wholesale electoral fraud ……
Over a Virus that has a 99.998% chance of survival (barring your being 70+ years old or co-morbidity issues)
NY & NJ & CA are locking down harder than ever.
As people tweet stupid sh*t like this=
Cases don't mean DEATHS, Marina, you virtue signalling Twit.
The # of deaths in Texas & Nationwide is PLUMMETING.
"It's a LIE!" The MSM Shriek as they cast it as being on par with EBOLA.
They are TERRIFYING people for a REASON.
Do you **SEE** it yet?
To LOCK DOWN Populations until they can consolidate POWAH!
Biden was SUPPOSED to win. WE were then to be LOCKED DOWN until our economy CRATERED & the Middle Class floundered & drowned.
It WILL happen in Europe because our Foe has CONTROL there.
"That's INSANE!" You say?
When you know WHO is driving this it all makes sense.
“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” he said.
More Here
The new law empowers the Department of Justice (DOJ) to pursue charges against anyone who attempts to hack a voting system under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, commonly used by the agency to pursue charges against malicious hackers. More. Here
The [DS]/CB are now making their move to reset the entire global economic system. Dark Winter is a cover story for their plan. The plan is make people think their is a resurgence of the virus which will lead to lockdowns. These lockdowns will destroy the global economy. The MSM are preparing the people for this. The [DS]/MSM and the [CB] have now been trapped by Trump and the patriots. Their plan was not to about an election, not about keeping everything the same, it’s about bringing the entire corrupt, diseased system down on the establishment. The entire plan has been created to take it all down. Timing is everything the world is watching… MORE HERE
Watch The X22 Report On Video
Nancy's relatives own Scorecard, the program used to "flip" vote tallies, as shown in real time in this video. Just pay attention and you will literally see how positive votes for Trump were instantly converted into votes for B|iden in exactly the same amounts: MORE HERE
They did it to themselves…..
Apparently its easily hacked and owned by Pelosi, at least in part…..
Right now, Joe Biden seems to be as cool as a cucumber, thinking he’s the next president of the United States. Hold the phone, Joey boy. It ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings’ and she isn’t even warming up. The Trump campaign and RNC have provided 131 sworn affidavits showing voter fraud, with possibly another 2,800 in the wings.
Scouring the bowels of the internet so you don’t have too……….
Poor 'Ol Stupid Trump! If only he had LISTENED to (Clueless Asshole outside the Loop) we wouldn't BE in this fix!
He just SAT there like a FAT LUMP after warning THE ENTIRE PLANET for months something like this was gunna happen!
But did he DO SOMETHING about it?
read the whole thing……
They did this by injecting millions of fraudulent ballots into the election. We have all the evidence to prove this, and we will not let it stand. Hold onto your butts.
Hi All!
I wanted to give you all an update. Many of you have known me since 2015-16 and know that I have been a supporter of the President when he was a candidate during the primary. I am sure that by now, you have heard that Biden was declared the winner.
As one of the BIGGEST Trump supporters that there is, I am actually laughing at this news.
Here is why. I was sent by my friend in GA a phone number for a call this morning. On the call was Trump’s legal team. Here is what I learned on the call.
1. President Trump is FIGHTING.
2. There are 4 states that currently have lawsuits, multiple witnesses to voter fraud, voter irregularities, etc. (GA, NV, PA, WI)
In PA provisional ballots still need to be counted. Over 100,000 remain. They believe that the provisional ballots favor President Trump. Major fraud in Philly, military ballots also need counted. Also in PA there were Democrats “curing ballots” yet not with what the voter wanted but what the D chose on their own.
NV- reports that because right before the election the Gov announced he was mailing ballots to all voters they found voters who are not eligible to vote got ballots, some people got multiple ballots. 1 lady who is not part of Trump team on her own filed a lawsuit. She went to vote and was told she “already voted.” She had not.
GA is going to a recount. Once they inspect each ballot they feel that there will be many that need tossed. They feel comfortable that once GA is looked at, they will win GA.
WI on Monday or Tuesday will begin a state wide recount.
Also to note, that prior to discussing the individual states, they said “the media wants this over”. Less than 5 minutes after the call ended, CNN declared Biden won PA and is now the President Elect.
Please ignore the noise! This is how they want to control millions into believing this is the truth. It is not. Also important to note, that Indivisible sent an email (VERY LONG AND DETAILED) less than 10 minutes after Biden was declared the winner. This is part of the plan to control the narrative.
The lawsuits have to be looked into, recounts have to occur. Also, Barr and the DOJ are on the case.
Lastly, there were 3 things that people can do now!
1. Donate to President Trump directly on his website. This helps with the lawsuits. <>
2. Share on social media, email etc. the phone number to report voter fraud. They have received hundreds of thousands of tips and calls.
3. Rally! Be on the ready. Hit the streets in protest. Wave American and Trump flags. Do not stand for a fraud election.
Georgia is going to need our help! Chatham County (Savannah) is a DEMOCRAT county. There will be a recount and we must win the Senate runoffs in Jan. We can help our GA neighbors.
Please note, when we go as volunteers to another state, we are their guests. GO WITH THE FLOW. Be flexible. Volunteer and ask how you can help. This is new to them as well, but we all must work together as a unified team!
I will keep you all posted on how we can all be of help to GA and in SC.
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