/This has been another wild week ... and another week of wilding.
"Nobel-prize nominee" Stacey Abrams made media headlines with the bizarre claim that voter ID leads to police violence.We filed a new round of responses in our lawsuit against Abrams' group Fair Fight (Fair Fight sued us claiming voter suppression over elector challenges in Georgia, we then countersued Fair Fight on behalf of Georgia voters who endured Abrams-led harassment for asserting their right to participate in elector challenges).The Maricopa County AZ election audit started, stopped, and started again (check out our live stream of the audit). Hundreds of CEOs and celebrities doubled-down on doublethink with new election propaganda (lying that the need for election integrity is based on a lie).We continued development of new tools and training to empower voters and partner organizations - yay Team True the Vote!I spent several days talking with and preparing materials for law enforcement to further ongoing investigations based on information we've uncovered (not yet made public because it would undermine active efforts). And, as has been the case for months now, we painfully watched as others make election claims that we cannot, we will not, support, knowing that it will all play out in due course.
Yes, American election-drama has become a bizarre reality show.
Which brings me to the point of my's time to unplug. Maybe you already have, and if so, I'm glad to hear it. But if you haven't, as a friend I'm telling you, unplug lest you burn out.
Don't get burned out. There is too much work to be done in the days ahead.
We face very real problems in our elections. Vote trafficking is organized and happening nationwide. Foreign countries have been given unfettered access to confidential election information and control operations in ways we can prove and will soon reveal. And the common denominator of the corruption, at the core of every grift, are voter rolls riddled with bad records. That's what we're working on now, all of it and more. Through the noise of frivolous lawsuits, hyperbolic claims, and political pettiness ... there are real, provable crimes that will be exposed. A trickle of indictments have started (in Arizona) but it takes time - and will continue to take time, longer than we would like, but necessary to get all the facts straight.
What you can do right now is help support election integrity legislation in your state. Check out info below on how to engage. In the next few months there will be new projects we'd like to work with you on. And I give you my word, we will reveal corruption the likes of which you've never seen. Right now is not the time for headlines, but that time is coming and when it does we will publish it here first.
There will be more wild weeks ahead. Keep your bearings. We're all in this together. And working together, we the people, only we the people, can true the vote.
We can.
Ever onward -
PS. You are stronger than you know. You are here for such a time. Keep the faith.
I have four great tech-related workshops for you this week and next.
These two will help you take control of your online data – both privacy and security. BONUS – my colleague Stephen designed the workshops so us non-techy people can understand them too!Tools and Tactics for Internet PrivacyCyber Security for Activists
And, if you want to be more tech effective for your campaign or org, you should check out these two:Video Editing for PoliticsVoter Contact Phone Programs and Get-Out-the-Vote
As always, I have many more invaluable trainings below on jobs, communications, MORE campaigns, and even some international updates from Ecuador and El Salvador. Enjoy!
Monday, April 26
Student Journalism Training
This workshop is a no-cost, comprehensive, and fun training. You'll not only learn how to launch your career, but you'll also have a chance to put your questions to accomplished journalists who have mentored hundreds of student journalists.
When: Monday, April 26 | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: No Cost!
Tuesday, April 27
Digital Download: Tools and Tactics for Internet Privacy
In today's increasingly digital world, it is important you take control of your online data and be deliberate about what you share online. In this one-hour training, you will specifically learn safe practices combined with effective tools to minimize the chances of your information being compromised.
When: Tuesday, April 27 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: No Cost!
Campaign Academy: Session 10 - Voter Contact: Direct Mail and Scripts
This premier campaign training program provides future candidates, campaign managers, and staff with the tools and information necessary to build and execute a successful campaign with a strong grassroots organization and an effective strategy.
When: Every Tuesday, April 27 - May 11 | 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: $25 per session!
Wednesday, April 28
Video Editing for Politics
Leadership Institute's Video Editing for Politics workshop will give you a foundation in video editing and basic animation with motion graphics. This workshop is designed to be at a 101 level, so you'll get an introduction and solid foundation in Premiere.
When: Wednesday, April 28 | 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: $20
Thursday, April 29
Campaign Advancement Workshop
This workshop will demystify the work of advancement and offer you tools to work in a high-paced environment. Learn from faculty who've worked on every scale of advancement -- from press conferences and corporate conventions to star-studded product launches and presidential campaigns.
When: Thursday, April 29 | 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: $20
On-Camera Television Workshop
You’ll be coached through two rounds of mock interviews and receive personalized critiques and feedback on how to better tailor your message for TV. Individuals who attend the on-camera workshop receive footage of their performance.
When: Thursday, April 29 | 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: $50 until 4/27/21
Friday, April 30
Campaign Report with the Leadership Institute and UPLA: Ecuador and El Salvador
Join the Union of Latin American Parties (UPLA) and the Leadership Institute for an update on campaign and election results in Ecuador and El Salvador. In this live webinar, you will hear from campaign experts from Ecuador and El Salvador.
When: Friday, April 30 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: No Cost!
Professional Development Series: Law School and Clerking Internships
Join the Leadership Institute for the Spring Professional Development Series. In this workshop, you will learn if law school is right for you, what it takes to get into law school, and how to find those coveted internships and clerkships. This series is geared towards interns and entry-level employees.
When: Friday, April 30 | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: No Cost!
Tuesday, May 4
Public Speaking Workshop with Alice Stewart
Learn professional public speaking techniques from Alice Stewart, former Communications Director for the presidential campaigns of Sen. Ted Cruz, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. Rick Santorum, and Rep. Michele Bachmann. You'll receive practical lessons and personalized feedback and participate in in-class exercises to make you a better, more confident public speaker.
When: Tuesday, May 4 | 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: $50 until 5/2/21
Campaign Academy: Session 11 - Voter Contact Phone Programs and Get-Out-the-Vote
This premier campaign training program provides future candidates, campaign managers, and staff with the tools and information necessary to build and execute a successful campaign with a strong grassroots organization and an effective strategy.
When: Every Tuesday, May 4 - May 11 | 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: $25 per session!
Wednesday, May 5
Advanced Public Speaking Workshop with Rick Tyler
Rick Tyler is a political news analyst, speaker, author, communications consultant, and political strategist. In this workshop, you'll learn advanced message construction and delivery. You'll receive practical lessons and personalized feedback and participate in in-class exercises to make you a better, more confident public speaker.
When: Wednesday, May 5 | 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: $75 until 5/3/21
Cyber Security for Activists
Online security and cybersecurity have been in the headlines constantly. In this practical, easy-to-follow training from Leadership Institute and EliteSafe Inc., you'll get an introduction to online security for non-technical people, i.e. you don't have to be a "tech person" to follow it.
When: Wednesday, May 5 | 1:00 AM – 4:00 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: No Cost!
Friday, May 7
Professional Development Series: Jobs in Policy
Join the Leadership Institute for the Spring Professional Development Series. In this workshop, you will learn how to find jobs in the policy field and how to make your application for them stand-out. This series is geared towards interns and entry-level employees.
When: Friday, May 7 | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT
Where: Online
Cost: No Cost!
Saturday, May 8
Candidate Development Workshop, Baltimore County
This in-person workshop helps current and prospective candidates, and people who want to help candidates, identify the steps you can use to run a successful campaign at every level.
When: Saturday, May 8 | 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
Where: Lutherville-Timonium, MD
Cost: $25Please share these opportunities with your friends and allies who could benefit from these in-person and online trainings. Just forward this email and encourage them to sign up here to stay up to date on Leadership Institute trainings in 2021.
Thank you!
Carol Wehe Cocks
Director of External Affairs
Leadership Institute
LOCAL STATE UPDATE....... 4/21/21
> View this email in your browser
> Breaking News: The South Carolina House Judiciary Committee has officially passed the Convention of States resolution, with a landslide vote of 14-8!
> This victory follows an impactful sub-committee hearing where grassroots activists flooded the capitol to provide moving testimonies in favor of COS.
> Next, our legislation will move to the full SC House for a floor vote before heading to the Senate for a final decision.
> It’s shaping up to be a big week for COS.
> Earlier today, we received information that a long-time opponent will be hosting a public debate against COS in North Carolina this week.
> Convention of States’ President Mark Meckler immediately took action and is currently on his way to the venue to present the pro-COS argument. Tomorrow, grassroots supporters will be convening for a rally at the capitol to meet with state legislators and push to secure a final committee vote on the COS resolution.
> This is just a small glimpse into a massive nationwide movement to call a Convention of States so that We The People can propose meaningful amendments with the teeth to limit the overreaching power of Washington, D.C.
> As a non-profit, this critical work is only possible because of your support. Will you chip in $5 per month and help fuel our 2021 Victory Fund? Every dollar counts.
> For liberty,
> The Convention of States Team
> P.S. If you or anyone you know would like to attend tomorrow’s rally at the capitol, we’ll meet at 10 am on April 21st at the Halifax Mall in the Government Complex at 300 N. Salisbury Street in Raleigh. Email Joy Ruhmann at for more information.
> Become a Monthly Supporter
> Copyright © 2021 Convention Of States Action, All rights reserved.
> You are receiving this email because you wanted us to send you updates on the Convention of States Project.
> Our mailing address is:
> Convention Of States Action
> 5850 San Felipe Street
> Suite 580A
> Houston, TX 77057
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Begin forwarded message:
> From: Team SCGOP <>
> Date: April 21, 2021 at 11:49:31 AM EDT
> To:
> Subject: ALERT: election reform in our reach
> Reply-To:
> These bills need your support to get passed
> Fellow Republican,
> Our state lawmakers have heard your concerns, and now some serious election reform bills are moving through the statehouse!
> We need you to call your state representative TODAY because these bills are scheduled to be heard in subcommittee this afternoon. If they don't pass subcommittee, we may lose our chance at protecting our elections in 2022.
> Election Reform bills:
> H. 4150– This bill would clean up our absentee ballot excuses and tighten up that process to prevent everyone in South Carolina from voting by mail, like the Democrats want to happen. The focus of the bill is to push more people to vote in-person.
> H. 3206– You may not know this, but candidates can run for office representing more than one political party. Democrats will use this tactic sometimes to try and get more votes. It's called fusion candidacy. This bill would prevent that from happening by requiring one political party per candidate.
> H. 4162– This bill would require proof of photo ID for absentee ballots. Currently in South Carolina, the only time voters present his or her ID is when voting in person. That leaves room for fraud. This bill isn't scheduled for subcommittee yet but we need to go ahead and let them know to vote YES whenever it comes up.
> Find your state senator and state representative here.
> Call your legislators and let them know you want them to vote YES on these bills!
> We did things right in 2020 but there are areas where we can tighten up some holes. These bills would do exactly that.
> Thanks for all you do for the party,
> Team SCGOP
> SC Republican Party | 1913 Marion Street, Columbia, SC 29201
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Fellow Republican,
Some critically important conservative bills are gaining traction in the South Carolina General Assembly right now, and we need your help to get them across the finish line.
It's important for you contact your legislators to let them know you want to see these conservative bills passed and signed into law!
Here are the bills:
H. 4153 the Save Women's Sports Act– this bill would protect women's sports and their competitiveness by ensuring only biological females can play on a women's team. This bill passed out of House subcommittee this morning but still has more hurdles to jump!
H. 3094 the Open Carry with Training Act– this bill passed the State House and has made its way to the State Senate
H. 3096 Constitutional Carry Act– this bill passed out of the State House and has made its way to the State Senate
Election Reform bills:
H. 4162– This bill would require proof of photo ID for absentee ballots. Currently in South Carolina, the only time voters present his or her ID is when voting in person. That leaves room for fraud.
H. 3372– This bill would clean up our absentee ballot excuses and tighten up that process to prevent everyone in South Carolina from voting by mail.
H. 3444– This bill passed out of the State House and would require each county election commission to operate from the same rule book. Voters in Georgetown County should have confidence that votes in York County would be handled and processed the same way.
Find your state senator and state representative here.
Call your legislators and let them know you want them to vote YES on these bills!
The buzz from my political maven.... (AKA THE SEA WITCH)
<—The bills filed that protect voter integrity and bar boys from women’s sports. We MUST follow them and make our voices heard. Imperative to support our legislative delegation. The Democrats, Indivisibles, League of Women Voters (supposedly non-partisan but definitely are not), and other liberals have been attacking our legislators personally and via email, Facebook and phone—Beaufort Democrats are no different in their tactics to polarize, attack and threaten.
For those who may not be familiar: our Republican delegation members who need our constant support are: Senator Tom Davis, Senator Chip Campsen, State Reps Shannon Erickson, Bill Herbkersman, Weston Newton, Jeff Bradley. They work well together and are in senior positions on many important committees. They have an excellent working relationship with Gov. McMaster.
Democrats to monitor in our delegation: Shedron Williams, Michael Rivers and Marjorie Bright Mathews.
Here’s the list of officers. Check out president. Am looking for the youtube clip of the legislative roundtable where they discussed fighting all the voter integrity bills filed but can’t find it. I’ll keep looking.
—a local woman is hosting a backyard get together
next Sunday
in Shell Point at
2 pm
. If you want to attend with me, let me know and I’ll give her head count. There’s a state coordinator coming down from Charleston to speak.
—the state party hq. Drew McKissick is the chair, up for re-election, and has done a fantastic job growing the party here in SC. It was a true red wave this last election, with a solidified Republican majority from every level and that was in great part due to Drew and his team.
—County Republican Party headed up by Kevin Henneally. He’s doubled membership in a year. The website seems to be down for some reason so in the meantime, here’s their Facebook page.
— I attended their virtual summit back in March and it was outstanding. 5 hours of speakers, workshops, different chat rooms with various topics linking patriots together. I highly recommend signing up at least to see what they have for speakers and topics. They have an election integrity summit scheduled for May 2. I signed up.
The mother organization for CPAC. Active across the country and around the world, training conservative patriots. Matt and Mercedes Schlapp are huge Trump supporters and were integral in his campaign. They ARE CPAC. Matt is scheduled to be in Charleston soon—will try to find out when and maybe we can go up to meet/listen.
Engage the Right is Laurie Zapp’s organization. A sub org is “Kick the Bucket” the group that scrubbed the dead from Ohio voter rolls. This should be a priority of every state. Laurie works with some women in Sun City and some of the same women who are part of the Women for Trump group.
— Great trainings, many are free or inexpensive, they have a job bank and trainings are either on location or online. Definitely worth the time to train yourself.
—Another training site but also very involved in conservative issues.
Ann Ubelis is a great fighter and very passionate. Glad she’s on our side. We meet every 3rd Monday at Fuji on Lady’s Island at 5:30. Tomorrow’s meeting speakers are Shannon Erickson and Shane Massey (SC Senate Majority Leader).
The Keep Nine Amendment is a group of patriots in all 50 states that meet on a zoom call every Wednesday at 9 pm and share updates on what local, state and federal officials are willing to sign on to the Keep Nine Amendment that will prevent the Democrats from packing the Supreme Court. I met them at CPAC and they have built quite a coalition across the country.
The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank that always provides fabulous articles, commentary and education on issues. They also offer professional development and training.
Other local groups:
Beaufort Republican Women’s Club (not overly active) but membership includes SC Federation of Republican Women (excellent and active) and National Federation of Republican Women (extremely active and unstoppable in many cases—great group of women).
Beaufort Federation of Republican Men—I know some members but with no website or Facebook page, am not sure where to direct people other than to encourage them to contact individual members.