Today I’m posting an article by Vox Day showcasing Sarah Hoyt…. well worth reading. Don’t miss the comments!
Good morning! Yesterday was a peaceful protest to be proud of. There were no fires, wholesale destruction and looting not to mention zero statues being torn down. All of which we have witnessed from the left for these last 4 years. DO NOT buy into the hypocrisy of the left on this matter. The level of hypocrisy from the left is monumental. Violence? one person was shot by a police officer. We cant win this war by being feint of heart over what those on left think or say about us. we cant win this war with one timid hand tied behind our backs while hiding our true beliefs. This culture of politeness is what got us to this point. They violently attack anyone who disagrees with them… I’ve seen this my whole life….. Its time to push back if we expect to save our country…… The president took an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Not to the congress the courts or any other corrupt entity….. I took the same oath.
Consider this…..
This system of organized voter fraud is nothing new. It goes back decades. Can we not therefore assume that the beneficiaries of this paid for fraud constitutes at least 80% of the members of congress? The obvious conclusion is that working to correct the system by working within the system is a fools errand....
Apparently Sarah Hoyt is the only non-cuck at Instapundit.
When Democratic Party leaders find excuses for left-wing violent protesters and condemn right-wing protesters, one can understand their motives. They see left-wing protesters as being “on their side” and the right-wing protesters as “the enemy.” When Republican Party leaders find excuses for left-wing violent protesters and condemn right-wing protesters, it’s hard not to draw the conclusion that they, too, see the left-wing as “on their side” and the right-wing as “the enemy.”
For years I’ve told the left that when they used fraud to win, they’d broken the feedback mechanism. It didn’t mean their ideas were winning, that people agreed with them, or that they were safe. It was the equivalent of breaking the fire alarm and thinking they were safe from fires. What I never expected was to hear the right condemn the people trying to break out of the burning building, because they don’t hear any fire alarms.
The same government that scrutinizes all our actions on a daily basis and presumes we’re guilty until proven innocent, when questioned by the people about the obvious flaws and issues of the elections refused any examination and told us that everything was fine, or if not, we had no standing. We should just trust their word over our lying eyes. Next thing you know, they’ll tell us to eat cake.
And for the record, no, I will not condemn the protesters. Should they have gone into the Capitol? I don’t know. Why shouldn’t they have? It’s not like they went and hanged the corruptocrats using their own intestines as ropes. They might — or might not. Really, do you trust the reporting? In this time, in this place? — have broken windows. And then walked, carefully between the ropes? Sure, why not. Let’s roll with that narrative. They might have made a mess of Nancy Ice Cream Pelosi’s office. Maybe. Again…. reporting? You know what they didn’t do? They didn’t kill anyone. That was reserved for someone who shot through a door sidelight at a protester. You know what else they didn’t do? Use live ammo. You know what else they didn’t do? Trample the flag, which the capitol police did, while being begged not to. You know what else they didn’t do? shine lasers in cops eyes, set fire to the building, loot it, or shoot fireworks at people. Spare me your pearl clutching. How do you propose we get our republic back if demonstrations are “rude?” When they committed blatant fraud in two elections, right before our eyes, and thereby abolished the representative part of the republic, and with it the constitutional part, what are you going to do? Write them strongly worded letters? Or wait till they fraud 2022 just as blatantly, while you stand around being utterly stunned? It’s time to ditch the Marquis de Queensberry rules. It’s time to stop fighting with our feet in a bucket. Yes, what happened today was very very bad. Yes, it means that what comes next will probably come with a butcher’s bill.
Here are some quotes and comments……