LOCAL STATE UPDATE....... 4/21/21
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> Breaking News: The South Carolina House Judiciary Committee has officially passed the Convention of States resolution, with a landslide vote of 14-8!
> This victory follows an impactful sub-committee hearing where grassroots activists flooded the capitol to provide moving testimonies in favor of COS.
> Next, our legislation will move to the full SC House for a floor vote before heading to the Senate for a final decision.
> It’s shaping up to be a big week for COS.
> Earlier today, we received information that a long-time opponent will be hosting a public debate against COS in North Carolina this week.
> Convention of States’ President Mark Meckler immediately took action and is currently on his way to the venue to present the pro-COS argument. Tomorrow, grassroots supporters will be convening for a rally at the capitol to meet with state legislators and push to secure a final committee vote on the COS resolution.
> This is just a small glimpse into a massive nationwide movement to call a Convention of States so that We The People can propose meaningful amendments with the teeth to limit the overreaching power of Washington, D.C.
> As a non-profit, this critical work is only possible because of your support. Will you chip in $5 per month and help fuel our 2021 Victory Fund? Every dollar counts.
> For liberty,
> The Convention of States Team
> P.S. If you or anyone you know would like to attend tomorrow’s rally at the capitol, we’ll meet at 10 am on April 21st at the Halifax Mall in the Government Complex at 300 N. Salisbury Street in Raleigh. Email Joy Ruhmann at joy.ruhmann@cosaction.com for more information.
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Begin forwarded message:
> From: Team SCGOP <team@scgop.com>
> Date: April 21, 2021 at 11:49:31 AM EDT
> To: laurafanelli@mac.com
> Subject: ALERT: election reform in our reach
> Reply-To: team@scgop.com
> These bills need your support to get passed
> Fellow Republican,
> Our state lawmakers have heard your concerns, and now some serious election reform bills are moving through the statehouse!
> We need you to call your state representative TODAY because these bills are scheduled to be heard in subcommittee this afternoon. If they don't pass subcommittee, we may lose our chance at protecting our elections in 2022.
> Election Reform bills:
> H. 4150– This bill would clean up our absentee ballot excuses and tighten up that process to prevent everyone in South Carolina from voting by mail, like the Democrats want to happen. The focus of the bill is to push more people to vote in-person.
> H. 3206– You may not know this, but candidates can run for office representing more than one political party. Democrats will use this tactic sometimes to try and get more votes. It's called fusion candidacy. This bill would prevent that from happening by requiring one political party per candidate.
> H. 4162– This bill would require proof of photo ID for absentee ballots. Currently in South Carolina, the only time voters present his or her ID is when voting in person. That leaves room for fraud. This bill isn't scheduled for subcommittee yet but we need to go ahead and let them know to vote YES whenever it comes up.
> Find your state senator and state representative here.
> Call your legislators and let them know you want them to vote YES on these bills!
> We did things right in 2020 but there are areas where we can tighten up some holes. These bills would do exactly that.
> Thanks for all you do for the party,
> Team SCGOP
> SC Republican Party | 1913 Marion Street, Columbia, SC 29201
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